The Quiet Pool

A Radio Story
May 30, 2008, 4:09 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

So I was listening to the radio as I picked up a truckload of trash the other day and this story was on the news, so it must be true:

So this guy is driving along in his SUV. Eating his large order of onion rings from wherever and he starts to choke on the onion rings. So he is choking and gagging, he’s asphyxiated, passes out. So because he is still driving, the car goes out of control, off the road into a ditch and crashes into a tree. The airbags deploy, he’s hunched over so they hit him really hard, knocks the onion ring free and saves his life.

I really don’t have much to add to this story, but my day was great after hearing it and I got to tell it to everyone else. I don’t know how this guy must feel right now, maybe he is mad about the SUV, or he’s sworn off onion rings, or he’s suing someone, or just thankful to be alive. But if he has not already, at some point he will understand the impact that this story will have on his dinner party persona. I mean he can tell that story forever and it will never get old. I am not quite sure if I want something like this to happen to me, but I am thinking about having onion rings sometime soon.

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Good story…I guess when you hear stories like this and you wonder what the next step is for that person (mad, swearing off onion rings, suing, etc.) you can always just stop and pray for the man, even though you don’t know him or the condition of his soul…

Comment by Elise

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